Totally Spies Porn

Totally Spies Porn Story: Whos Hacking Whom Chapter 5

Totally Spies Porn Story: Whos Hacking Whom Chapter 5

(Berry Carver pulls up to an old run down warehouse. He steps out of his car and goes into the building. The girls are all watching from around the corner. KIRTT is in incognito mode)

Allison – What now?

Sam – What else? We sneak in and do some spying.

(The girls get out and walk toward the fence. Alex and Clover use their laser cutter eyelash curlers to make an opening)

Sam – Everyone put on you CCAAT earrings.

(They do, and suddenly they all disappear from site)

Alex – How do we know if they are working?

Clover – Can you cant see anyone they are working.

Alex – But I always thought that when you were invisible you could see other
invisible people.

(Three sweat drops appear when Sam, Clover, Allison are standing)

Allison – Uh, Alex. I dont think that…

Sam – Well explain it to her later. Right now its spy time.

(The girls sneak up to the building)

Sam – Now, how to get in.

Clover – Lets try the roof, bad guy hideouts always have a air vent or something.

Sam – Great idea, Clover. Use you bunjee belts.

(They all fire their now invisible bets towards the roof)

Alex – Now how do we know that our belts lines are even there? We cant
see them. So how can we climb a wall with something that isnt there?

(Three more sweat drops)

Clover – Trust me, it will work.

(They scale to the roof of the building. Once there they find a ventilation duct and climb in order to sneak in unnoticed. They reach the end of the duct and climb out)

Allison – Do you really think my dad is here?

Clover – There is only one way to find out.

(The girls search around for clues but find nothing. Eventually they find themselves on the ground floor)

Alex – You would think in a building this size we would be able to find some
sort of clue. We havent even seen one bad guy yet.

(Just then metal sheets come down on all the walls and block all the exits. Bright lights overpower the darkness that the spies were in. The girls all gasp)

Sam – You just had to say it didnt you.

Allison – Its a trap!

(A voice begins to speak to them over an intercom system)

Reez – I appreciate it when people stick their nose in my business.

Clover – Well, when you business is kidnapping other people, what do you expect?

Sam – Clover! Be quite! If he doesnt hear us he cant capture us. Remember, invisible?

Clover – Oops, sorry.

Reez – Oh, I can hear and see you just fine. I have a thermal scan of the room so I can see all four of you. So you might as well turn off the silly cloaking devices of yours.

Sam – Who are you? And why are you kidnapping people?

Reez – Turn off your cloaking devices and I shall tell you.

Sam – Do as he says girls. We have no other options.

(The girls all turn off their CCAAT earrings)

Reez – Thats better.

(Reez recognizes Allison)

Reez – Well, well, well. If it isnt Miss. Evans herself.

Allison – Thats right, Im here for my dad. So, where is he you big jerk?!

Alex – Uh, Allison. Maybe its not a good idea to tick off the guy who has us
trapped. Just a thought.

Sam – We did what you asked, now answer our questions.

Reez – Yes, very well then.

(Reez pushes a button on the control panel in front of him. A red light begins to flash)

Reez – My name is Nathan Reez. As for the people I have allegedly
kidnapped, they are just assisting me with my plans for global domination.

Clover – Assisting against there will.

Reez – However you describe it, the end result is the same.

Sam – Where are Darren Evans and the others?

Reez – They are tucked away somewhere for safe keeping.

Alex – Ill bet they are here in this building somewhere.

Allison – Daddy, are you there!?! Can you hear me!?!

(Reez chuckles)

Reez – He cant hear you. Now, what should I do with our unwanted guests?

(One of the metal sheets raise up to show 20 men standing behind it)

Reez – Capture them!

(The 20 men begin to go after the girls)

Alex – Why do they always want to do it the hard way?

(The girls began to fight off the approaching men. But no matter how much they fight the men keep coming after them)

Sam – Girls! Use your jetpack backpacks and lets get out of here!

(The girls turn on their jetpacks and fly past the guards and out the door. Except Allison has trouble with the steering because she has never used one before. She makes it past the guards but as she is flying out the door, her jetpack hits the wall and stalls out. She falls to the ground)

Allison – Oh man, this is bad.

(The guards begin to close in around her but Clover swoops in and picks her up before the guards get to her)

Clover – Got ya.

Allison – Thanks, Clover.

(The girls all fly off. Reez comes down from the control room and begans yelling at his henchmen)

Reez – You fools! Do you realize how much trouble those four can cause?

(Reez turns to Carver)

Reez – I want them found before dawn. Is that understood?

Carver – Yes, sir.

Reez – Good. Now I have some unfinished business to return to back at
headquarters. I want an update every hour.

Carver – We will find them, sir.

Reez – You better hope you do.

(Miles away, the girls are recovering from their close call)

Alex – Why do the bad guys always want to fight? Our job would be a lot
easier if they would just give themselves up.

Clover – Well, if they werent all psycho, twisted freaks in the first place, maybe
they wouldnt want to take over the world in the first place.

(Sam looks at Clover and Alex in disbelief of what they are saying)

Sam – Anyway, are you okay, Allison?

Allison – Yeah, Im fine. Thanks to Clover. But my jetpack wont work

Sam – Im calling Jerry and briefing him on our situation.

(Sam open her compowder. The screen comes on and Jerry appears)

Jerry – How is the mission going, girls?

Alex – Except for the part where we were almost captured by some guy set
on taking over the world, it is going just fine.

Jerry – Oh, dear. Is everyone alright? How is Allison?

Allison – Im fine. My jetpack is another story.

Sam – And we had to abandon KIRTT.

Jerry – I see. Send me the coordinates and I will send a team of WOOHP agents to retrieve KIRRT and apprehend anyone on the premises.

Sam – What information can you give us on a Nathan Reez?

Jerry – Hmmm, according to this he is a former software company manager.
His company was shut down early last year by the government because his products were a so called, threat to national security. After his company was shut down he disappeared.

Clover – Well, you can call of the search.

Jerry – Why dont you girls come back to WOOHP. We can repair Allisons jetpack and maybe by then our agents will find something. And besides, you four sound like you could use a break. Ill send a jet to pick you up.

(A couple hours pass. Darren is still tied up in the same dark room. He is
trying to untie his ropes, but with no success. He is exhausted both
physically and mentally. He is on the verge of giving up hope)

(Reez walks up to the door of Darrens holding room)

Reez – How is he doing?

Guard – He has been fairly quite.

Reez – I see. Well, maybe he is ready to reconsider my offer. If not, I have a
little leverage to persuade him otherwise.

(Reez went into Darrens holding room)

Reez -Hello again, Mr. Evans. Are you ready to reconsider my generous

(Darren didnt say a word)

Reez – Hmmm, I see. I will just have to show you how I treat people that
refuse me.

(Still, Darren didnt respond)
(Reez began to speak over another one of his hinchmen listening through an
intercom system)

Reez – Mr. Johnston, will you please open a channel so that Mr. Evans can
hear his friend in the next room?

Johnston – Yes, sir, Mr. Reez.

(A loud pop sounded over the intercom speakers)

Reez – Tell me, Mr. Evans, do you recognize this voice?

Darren – I dont hear anyone.

(As soon as Darren had said that, he heard an unmistakable voice. It was Allisons!)

Allisons voice Daddy, are you there!?! Can you hear me!?!

Darren – Allison!?!

Reez – She cant hear you anymore.

Darren – Your scum, Reez! I cannot believe you would stoop so low.

Reez – I just want to make sure I have you full cooperation. Now if you
were to stick with your decision not to help me… Lets just say I cant guarantee the safety of your daughter.

Darren -I… You…

Reez – Do we have a deal, Mr. Evans.?

(Darren didnt answer. Soon he heard Allisons voice again)

Allisons voice Daddy…!?! Can you hear me!?!

Reez – Well?

Darren – Alright. I will do as you say. But no harm is to come to Allison!

Reez – Yes, of course, Mr. Evans, of course. You have my word.

(Hearing Reez say that didnt make Darren feel any better. How could he trust someone like Reez?)

Reez – I will untie you and then take you to the main computer room. You
can think of it as you new office, Mr. Evans. And just think of me as your new boss.

(Within minutes, Reez had Darren on a computer hacking the U.S. governments data bases)

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